What is SAV3?
Nov 14, 2020
SAV3 is an experimental uncensorable platform with no CEO, no servers, and no content policy, with one objective: save the world.
How does it deal with spam/illegal content?
By only showing you content from players you save, and players they also save.
How does it deal with content discovery?
If you are a new player saving no one, it suggests players to save from a list voted by the governance SAV3 holders.
How does it deal with app store bans?
By not having an official app, it works in the browser through WebRTC.
How does it deal with DMCA requests and domain confiscation?
By being a single HTML page with no content/servers that you can save as and run locally or mirror.
How are liquidity providers incentivized?
4% of all transfers are forever locked into liquidity, 4% are distributed to liquidity providers.